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Poolsbrook Primary Academy

Fuelling Young Minds for a Brighter Future!


Hardwick (Y1/2)

Welcome to Hardwick Class!

We are the wonderful year 1 and year 2 class at Poolsbrook Primary Academy and we pride ourselves on demonstrating our school values of being safe, being respectful and aiming high. Within Green Turtles’ class, there is Mrs Holland, who is the class teacher, and Mrs O'Neill and Miss Wilson, who are teaching assistants.


Polite Reminders

Please ensure your child:

  • arrives at school at 8.35am 
  • has their reading book and diary with them every day.
  • has a water bottle with them every day.
  • has their name clearly labelled in any uniform.
  • comes to school in their PE kit every Wednesday and Friday.

Our Learning Journey

For the autumn term, we will be focusing our work around answering the enquiry question ‘Is change always positive?' This is a historical based enquiry which is enhanced by science and DT. It will see us learning about the Great Fire of London and how the fire prompted changes within the city when it had to be rebuilt. In addition to this, children will explore Eyam (a village within the local area) and recognise the significance of it in relation to the historical event of the plague. In science we will be exploring everyday materials and how these can be changed. Furthermore, we will be trying to construct a structure and adapt it to make it stronger.




In English this term, we will be learning to write the following genres:

  • Narrative 

  • Newspaper Report

  • Poem




In June year 1 children will complete a phonics screening check which is a statutory assessment. The check contains 40 words divided into two sections of 20 words. Both sections contain a mixture of real words and pseudo-words. Pseduo-words are words that are phonically decodable but are not actual words with an associated meaning. It will help your child to become a fluent reader if they read lots at home.


Children will be bringing home two books; one book will be matched to their reading/comprehension ability and one will be a book they have chosen to read for pleasure. The book for pleasure will be borrowed from our school library and will only be able to be swapped once it has been returned. We will aim to swap reading for pleasure books weekly as part of our visit to the in-school library. Please note, the book chosen for pleasure may be above the reading ability of your child so we would encourage you to enjoy sharing this book alongside your child. The book matched to your child's reading ability will be changed as and when your child has finished reading it. 




In the autumn term the children will cover the following:

  • Place value within 20
  • Addition and subtraction within 20
  • Place value within 100
  • Shape



As part of this enquiry, we intend for children to learn and retain the following knowledge:

 Number Facts

Below is a table which outlines the key number facts that children will be learning in Key Stage 1. The children should be able to rapidly recall these number facts. 

Look at some of our learning experiences!
