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Poolsbrook Primary Academy

Fuelling Young Minds for a Brighter Future!


Stephenson (Y3/4)

Welcome to RED PANDAS!

We are the amazing Year 3 & Year 4 class at Poolsbrook Academy Primary. Miss Thompson is the teacher and Mrs Saynor is our teaching assistant.

We pride ourselves on following our school rules of be safe, aim high and show respect!



Polite reminders


Please ensure your child:

  • arrives at school at 8.35am as learning begins straight away.
  • has their reading book and diary with them every day.
  • has a named water bottle with them every day. 
  • has their name clearly labelled in any jumpers or cardigans.
  • comes to school in their PE kit every Monday and Tuesday.
  • completes their weekly homework and spellings which will be set every Friday.

Our Learning Journey


For the summer term, we will be focusing our work around answering the enquiry question ‘How can we have an impact?’ This design and technology based enquiry will see us learning about how influential people have impacted our lives and how we can also have an impact. We will be enhancing our  understanding through art lessons, as we learn about different types of artists that have had an impact. In addition to this, we will enhance our learning through history as we learn about the impact influential people have had, throughout history.


We will also be continuing the use of quality texts to enrich our curriculum and enhance our knowledge and understanding, as well as to develop our love of reading. Our current class novel is The Creakers by Tom Fletcher.


In writing we will be producing biographies, persuasive adverts, a speech and a narrative.


Within Maths, year 3 and 4 will explore fractions, decimals, time and money. All children will also have daily times tables practice. The year 4 children will have the Multiplication Tables Check in June. The times table songs we use are attached below.

Times table songs
