Vision and Values
Our Vision
A joint vision has been created for Poolsbrook Primary Academy. It states our school is a place where we:
Aim high to achieve the very best.
Are Safe to learn together and enjoy a wide range of exciting experiences.
Persevere to achieve success in all areas of life.
Are Inclusive and everyone is valued.
Show Respect for each other and pride in our school.
Enjoy every day!
Our Motto
Our motto, Fuelling Young Minds for a Brighter Future, reflects the high aspiration that we have for all our children.
At Poolsbrook Primary Academy we are passionate about teaching and learning and we are proud of our achievements. Not only do we strive for excellence by aiming high, we also know learning should be fun too. We want all members of our school community to thoroughly enjoy what we do in our school. We continually strive to:
- Provide a secure and caring environment in which everyone is equally appreciated, enabling everyone to succeed in achieving their potential.
- Provide a wide and stimulating curriculum to foster enquiring minds and an enjoyment of learning.
- Actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
- Ensure all pupils and adults feel respected and valued.
- Provide a happy and stimulating environment that encourages high expectations and achievement.
- Actively encourage pupils not only to take responsibility for themselves, but help prepare them in becoming increasingly independent and good citizens in the future.
Flying High Values
As proud members of Flying High Trust our schools adopt the 7 Trust values of:
- Aspiration
- Creativity
- Confidence
- Enjoyment
- Pride
- Perseverance
- Responsibility
These values are integral to everything we do as pupils and staff in our schools.